Building Blocks for Lifelong Resilience

The BB4L [Building Blocks For Life] is a simple guide outlining 6 ways to own our power and get stronger. This guide was designed to help those who have experienced high levels of toxic stress (aka chronic stress) and trauma. With the BB4L we are better equipped to process painful life experiences and utilize takeaways to prevent further stress.

The BB4L is simple to understand, and — over time, when implemented — will show positive outcomes.

What Could You Use More of In Your Life?

Our content creators and podcast guests talk about how they create the Building Blocks in their own lives. This is a lifelong journey that helps us feel stronger and find more joy in life. You deserve to build the life you want, and our Building Blocks are a great way to start that journey.


Safety and protection is a basic need and helps us to prevent stress and promote recovery. 


A good relationship can help us weather almost anything. But what’s a good relationship?

Coping Skills

What are things to feel good now that won’t make you feel bad later on? Coping skills are unique to you.


You can do it. It just takes practice. Confidence builds, like a muscle.


We are hardwired to belong. Find out where you are accepted for being you.


Storytelling is about owning your own story. Be the hero of your own life.

Building Block #1


We need safety and protection mentally, emotionally, and physically. Everyone has a right to it.

Here are just some of the videos on protection from our YouTube channel.

Create times and spaces where you can be warm, safe, and provide yourself with care and attention without being bothered.

If you need immediate help, reach out to emergency services in your area, call 988 or click here for more resources.

Building Block #2


We need relationships that support us, and accept us for who we are. We explore how to make relationships more supportive and caring.

Here are just some of the videos on relationships from our YouTube channel.

Consider who is close to you and how they make you feel. It’s important to have conversations about what you can give and expect from each other to make your relationships stronger.

Building Block #3

Coping Skills

Coping skills are as individual as a fingerprint. It’s up to us to find our safe and happy place. Basketball, yoga, a quiet walk, or talking with a trusted friend are some ways to cope. Our take: Ask yourself, will this make me feel good now and better tomorrow?

Here are just some of the videos on coping skills from our YouTube channel.

What works for others may not work for you. Get creative with yoga, breathing exercises and calming techniques. Ask yourself “What will make me feel good now, and better tomorrow?”

Building Block #4


Confidence is something we teach ourselves by playing, pretending,  practicing, and allowing ourselves the space to fail until we figure it out.

Here are just some of the videos on confidence from our YouTube channel.

It takes time and  practice to build confidence. Try using words of affirmation and visualization to help build your confidence and know that it’s okay to fail because each failure is full with information about how to try again and eventually succeed.

Building Block #5


Belonging is a basic human need. Being excluded is wrong — sometimes it’s up to us to create the space we want to belong and create it for others.

Here are just some of the videos on belonging from our YouTube channel.

Find common interest and build from there. Your community may be, your family, neighborhood, online, or half a world away. If you can’t find a space consider creating one where others can join.

Building Block #6


Storytelling is about owning your own story. Don’t let others tell your story for you. You are the author of your own heroic journey.

Here are just some of the videos on storytelling from our YouTube channel.

When you tell your story it allows you to create a narrative that makes you feel empowered. Some ways you can tell your stories are through journaling, podcasting and poetry. If you don’t tell your story, your way, who will?


What People Are Saying

I like that I can find what I need whenever I’m feeling something.

BBGTV is cool because I see people like me on there.

I wish I had these tools when I was coming up!

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