BBG’s Guide to Making Holidays Easier

by | Jan 5, 2024 | Building Blocks

Hey there, it’s holiday time, and we know it brings joy but also challenges to a lot of us. Especially if you’re a teen dealing with money struggles or tough feelings around this time, it can be hard to enjoy it. At Bounce Back Generation, we are fellow youth who want to share tips for making holidays easier, whether or not you do the typical celebrations.

Creating Your Traditions

Holidays don’t have to be the same for everyone. For teens not big on celebrating the traditional way, it’s a chance to make your traditions. Have a movie night with friends or family, cook something special, or do a community service project. Making your celebration unique can bring happiness and meaningful moments, and being around/helping others is a staple for this time of year for a reason!

Handling Feelings in the Holidays

If you’re going through a hard time or feeling sad during the holidays, it’s tough. Talk to friends or family who support you and try activities that make you feel better. I remember once a few years ago, I was struggling with losing my grandfather around the holidays. My teacher at the time, Ms.G, helped me create a memory box. In that box, I wrote a letter to my grandpa and also wrote one to myself, recognizing how important it is to find good ways to cope.

Finding Friends and Support

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Connect with us here at, through our podcast, videos, and Spotlight mini-courses. Seeing others have the same feelings as you do can make a big difference. Bounce Back Generation is here for you, and we encourage you to use all that we have to offer so you can build resilience.

A Wrap-Up

As young people ourselves dealing with the holidays, we know everyone’s experience is different. Whether you’re making new traditions, keeping things simple, handling tough feelings, or looking for support, your journey matters. Don’t feel like you have to do everything perfectly during the holidays. Dinners, parties, meals, presents, etc. It’s okay to take things one step at a time. Give yourself the space to enjoy the season without the pressure of perfection. As we head into the new year, focus on building a true sense of self. Reflect on your strengths and achievements. Embrace who you are, and set realistic goals for personal growth in the coming year!

About Nasser Albaqqal

Nasser Albaqqal is a 22 year old immigrant from Yemen who has been working with BBG since 2022. A graduate of San Jose State University, he is passionate about empowering individuals, families, and organizations to bounce back from the effects of toxic stress and trauma. His goal is to spread knowledge and understanding about the power of resilience and provide practical tools and resources to help people rid themselves of bad habits as a response to stress. Through the work he does, Nasser hopes to create content and blogs that not only meet the needs of the audience, but also helps them build and launch long-term successful recoveries.


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